Walking through Martin Place on my way to Wynyard I noticed the St Vinnies van serving food to a large number of people. At first I thought there must be a festival event on or something. As I got closer I saw that it was homeless people lining up for sandwiches and coffee. Yet they didn't look "homeless" (I worked with homeless people many years ago - I'm not making a fatuous or naive statement). Most of them looked like anyone else you'd see walking down the street on a Tuesday night. Maybe not Martin Place per se given its demographic, but certainly the sort of people you'd see at a suburban mall.
I tried not to stare, but my shock was visceral. So many people. It reminded me of the tent cities I'd read about in the US following the GFC. Why isn't this covered in the papers? Why do we keep reading about how great we've got it here in Australia? Great for whom?
And who are these people? Where the hell will they be sleeping tonight?
Walking towards Wynyard I passed a number of bars and swanky restaurants where well dressed people were dining and drinking cocktails looking like extras in a Sex and the City shoot. The juxtaposition really troubled me. Walking behind a couple of young women in suits teetering from one bar to another on 6 inch heels I wondered whether they'd even seen the van, the hungry people, the scattered belongings on the ground. I didn't judge them though. What does one know really about homelessness when one is well insulated from the problem?
Today I notice the Mission Australia press release about a $2.7m project that will provide housing and support for 70 of the neediest people. Peanuts. Our New Years Eve fireworks usually cost twice that. The stupid Breakfast on the Bridge that inconveniences thousands of motorists and startles the poor cows (literal) - who are brought in as props - costs half that.
Today I'm still haunted by the image. So many people getting their nightly meal from a St Vinnies van on a cold Tuesday night. Yet as an issue it seems to be wallpaper. Like Patrick McGorrie's mental health issue prior to his prominence, it's not sexy. Intractable. A bit anxiety provoking - there but for the love of God and all that...
That's all. Not a great post. But I just had to write it down to try get the image out of my head. We'll see how that goes.
Photo: Sweet One
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